New Horizon 2: Unit 3: Read and Think 1

中学2年生教科書「New Horizon 2」の「Unit 3 “My Future Job”」の「Read and Think 1」の英文より抽出・加工。

My friends and I went to a translation company on Career Day.
Sentence structure diagram: "My friends and I went to a translation company on Career Day."


Ms. Tanaka, a translater there, explained her job, and we translated some sentences.
Sentence structure diagram: "Ms. Tanaka, a translater there, explained her job, and we translated some sentences."


It was difficult, but I enjoyed a lot.
Sentence structure diagram: "It was difficult, but I enjoyed a lot."


I knew that English is important, but I learned that there are other things to study.Sentence structure diagram: "I knew that English is important, but I learned that there are other things to study."


Ms. Tanaka said, “You should also have a deep knowledge of Japanese.
Sentence structure diagram: "You should also have a deep knowledge of Japanese."


You need to develop your sense of language.”
Sentence structure diagram: "You need to develop your sense of language."


She also said, “We have various things to translate.
Sentence structure diagram: "We have various things to translate."


Sometimes, we need general knowledge and sometimes we need specific knowledge.
If you are interested in something, you should continue to learn about it.
Sentence structure diagram: "If you are interested in something, you should continue to learn about it."


It can be your strength in the future.
Sentence structure diagram: "It can be your strength in the future."


英文見える化チャート トップページはこちらです

New Crown 2: Lesson 2: USE

Lesson 2 USE
“My Dream”

New Crown 3 Lesson 3 USE

Lesson 3 USE
“The Story of Sadako”

都立高校入試 令和2 #4
