New Crown 3 Lesson 3 USE

Lesson 3 “The Story of Sadako” USE

中学3年生教科書「New Crown 3」の「Lesson 3 “The Story of Sadako”」の「USE」の英文より抽出・加工。

GPT-4oと英語を勉強 –教科書の翻訳やモデル音声など


It began with a flash.


On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped over Hiroshima.
Sentence structure diagram: "On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped over Hiroshima."


Sadako was two years old.
ss diagram "Sadako was two years old."


At least 130,000 people died by the end of the year, but she survived.
ss diagram "At least 130,000 people died by the end of the year, but she survived."


When Sadako was in elementary school, she especially liked her P.E. class and was good at sports.
ss diagram "When Sadako was in elementary school, she especially liked her P.E. class and was good at sports."


She wanted to be a P.E. teacher when she grew up.
ss diagram "She wanted to be a P.E. teacher when she grew up."


Sadako was a fast runner.
In the sixth grade, she was selected as a member of the relay team for the school’s sports day.
ss diagram "In the sixth grade, she was selected as a member of the relay team for the school’s sports day."


About a month after the sports day, Sadako suddenly became sick.
ss diagram "About a month after the sports day, Sadako suddenly became sick."


At first she thought that she just had a cold.
ss diagram "At first she thought that she just had a cold."


However, her sickness got worse, so she went to the hospital with her family.
A doctor told her parents, “She has a kind of cancer caused by the bomb.
ss diagram "She has a kind of cancer caused by the bomb."


I doubt she’ll survive for more than one year.”

In the hospital, Sadako received some paper cranes.
In Asia, cranes are a symbol of long life.
Sadako began to fold paper cranes and wished for good health.
She wanted to go back to school.
She never lost hope.
Sadako made over 1,000 cranes.
However, she never left the hospital.
Her life ended when she was only twelve.
There is a famous statue standing in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.
It is a girl holding a crane.
It was built by Sadako’s friends.
Every year many people send paper cranes to Hiroshima from all around the world.
The cranes are for Sadako and for peace.
英文見える化チャート トップページはこちらです


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